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Get Smart About Superfoods

Get Smart About Superfoods So-called “superfoods” alone won’t make you healthier – but adding these nutritious foods to an already balanced diet can bring health benefits. Beans & Legumes Berries Dark Leafy Greens Nuts & Seeds Oats Pumpkin Salmon Skinless Poultry Yogurt Eating 100 grams

Getting to know Favipiravir

Getting to know Favipiravir From today, favipiravir will investigate in the UK as part of the Platform Randomised trial of Interventions against COVID-19 In older peoPLE (PRINCIPLE), the world’s largest clinical trial of possible COVID-19 treatments for recovery at home and in other non-hospital settings.

Suggest ways to cure a hangover

Suggest ways to cure a hangover Can drinking coffee help with a hangover? Coffee may not help with hangovers, but it may help you stay awake. But if your body is not getting enough rest or sleep, when the effects of the coffee wear off,

Recommend foods during diarrhea

Recommend foods during diarrhea Diarrhea is a common occurrence all over the world and it accounts for 48 million cases of food-borne illness in the United States per year. The causes of diarrhea are infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and non-infectious เล่น UFABET

Why do some people have knee pain when running?

Why do some people have knee pain when running? The cause of running injuries is definitely from the wrong way of running, which causes new runners to have knee pain and leg pain. The most common symptom is “ patellofemoral pain syndrome” or Runner’s Knee from running

What causes acute heart failure?

What causes acute heart failure? Acute heart failure is cause by rapid and severe triggers such as acute coronary artery occlusion, infection of the heart valves or muscle. Symptoms will occur very quickly and will gradually worsen over a short period of time, such as

Heatstroke can prevented to refresh your body.

Heatstroke can prevente to refresh your body. The current global warming has caused the temperature of the world to rise continuously, causing many provinces in Thailand to have temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. If the body cannot adjust or control the body’s heat level, causing