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Tag Archives: lifestyle

What are the symptoms of Keto Flu?

Currently, there are no clearly defined symptoms of Keto Flu. But it is often a symptom similar to having a fever. Some people may also experience emotional changes. The symptoms are only temporary or last about 1 week after reducing the intake of carbohydrates menu. This sudden lack of

Things you should know about safe exposure to Phytonutrients.

Although Phytonutrients are beneficial to health. But there is safety information that you should know before consuming it, including: Intake of phytonutrients through eating fruits and vegetables is safe for most people. and help build strong overall health. Because in addition to phytonutrients. Fruits and vegetables are also rich

How to eat almonds to get all the benefits?

The health benefits of almonds have been proven in many studies. However, people suffering from various health problems should seek medical treatment first. Because it is the safest treatment For those who expect health benefits. You should choose to eat appropriately as follows: Many people believe that are

5 herbs to restore the digestive system

Thai herbs are known for their healing properties. and can relieve a wide range of symptoms And one of them is to restore the digestive system to work normally. The important thing is that each item is an easy-to-find item that is already on the Thai menu. Guarantee that

How to washing your hair to stop hair loss

Washing your hair is another factor that causes hair loss. which is another problem that bothers many people but when I still have to wash I had to find a way to wash my hair properly. to stop the problem of hair loss Pools like this, I leave. pool