Heatstroke can prevente to refresh your body.

The current global warming has caused the temperature of the world to rise continuously, causing many provinces in Thailand to have temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. If the body cannot adjust or control the body’s heat level, causing excessive heat accumulation, it may cause various heat-related diseases and risk heat stroke.
1. Heatstroke that is not cause by strenuous exercise
It is cause in an environment with a high temperature for too long. It is mostly found in elderly people with chronic diseases. Who cannot tolerate hot weather and dehydration. Including people who take certain medications that cause the body to lose water or make it unable to fully respond to higher temperatures, such as drugs that stimulate vasoconstriction, drugs to lower blood pressure or treat heart disease, diuretics, and some psychiatric drugs, or drink alcoholic beverages.
2. Heatstroke caused by overexertion
Caused by high body temperature from working or exercising hard in high temperature areas. It often occurs in people who are not used to hot weather. Including wearing too many thick clothes, which makes it difficult for sweat to evaporate and dissipate heat. It often occurs together with dehydration or drinking alcoholic beverages.
Risk groups that are prone to heat stroke when exposed to hot weather conditions
- Children under 5 years old and the elderly, because their bodies adapt slowly to changes in weather, cannot dissipate heat as well as young people, and are at risk of dehydration.
- People with chronic diseases or underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and people who are overweight or obese.
- People who do not get enough rest and people who work or do activities in the sun for long periods of time, such as exercising, athletes, farmers, etc.
- People who work in air-conditioned offices for long periods of time and then come out into the hot weather, causing their bodies to be unable to adjust to the weather conditions in time.
- People who drink alcoholic beverages lose more water and electrolytes than normal people. In hot weather, alcohol stimulates the heart to pump blood faster and harder, blood pressure rises, and the heart has to work harder, which can lead to shock and death.
- Pregnant women are at risk and more likely to https://ufabet999.app suffer from heatstroke than the general population if they are in a place with extremely hot weather, causing the body’s heat to rise, causing the body to sweat more than normal, leading to dehydration, resulting in thick blood and stimulating the release of the hormone oxytocin, which can lead to premature birth.
How to prevent heatstroke
How to take care of yourself when expos to hot weather conditions to prevent heatstroke can done as follows:
Drink or sip plenty of water throughout the day, without waiting to feel thirsty, to compensate for the sweat. That is secret through the skin, helping to cool the body and prevent dehydration.
Reduce body temperature by taking a bath at normal temperature (about 32 degrees Celsius) because water is a good heat conductor that helps reduce body heat. You can choose to use bath products that contain natural essential oils to enhance a feeling of freshness and relaxation (Aromatherapy).
During the day, you can use a cold cloth soaked in essential oil or ice to apply to the body, neck, armpits, joints, groin, and head, along with using a fan to spray water mist to help cool down.
If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or need to feel refreshed during the day, you can use products that have refreshing properties that contain essential oils.
Avoid drinking caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they cause the body to lose more water than normal. Instead, it is recommend to drink plain water or unsweeten fruit juices, as fruit juices not only help hydrate the body. But also provide beneficial nutrients while the body sweats.
Wear clothes that are appropriate for the weather, such as linen or cotton. Avoid black clothing because it absorbs more heat than other colors. Also, avoid wearing clothes that are too tight because it prevents sweating from draining well.